By Jeff Mannel November 13, 2023
5 Ways to Support Your Elderly Family Members You Can't Be With
By Jeff Mannel May 10, 2023
5 Things Seniors Want to Pass On to the Younger Generation
By Chad Fincher February 26, 2021
Acupuncture is used to treat patients with frozen shoulder injuries and other musculoskeletal problems. It is also used in the treatment of other conditions, such as arthritis, back pain, or osteoarthritis that may be caused by chronic inflammation from damaged tissue in joints or muscles. Whenever someone is experiencing symptoms or has one of those conditions, they should go see a doctor to be treated with this medicine. Some of the main benefits of acupuncture are: Relieves pain from many common conditions including headaches or migraines. Reduces inflammation and joint pain. Helps relieve symptoms caused by stress and depression. Reduces stiffness in muscles that causes pain or stiffness. The most common reason for acupuncture treatment include pain and stiffness from arthritis, chronic pain, menstrual cramps, sciatica, back pain and other conditions. Pain relief can be from acupuncture, chiropractic, or a combination of the two. It is a technique that involves the use of needles that are inserted into the body. The needles are placed into specific points on the skin, called meridians. When the needles enter the meridian, the energy is then transferred to the body. This energy can be used to treat conditions for those in their older age and occasionally in younger people. Acupuncture originally comes from China, but people use it all over the world. Traditional Chinese Medication (TCM) is based on Chinese herbal medicine, which is an ancient system of health care. TCM uses herbal medicines to treat a wide range of health conditions. The most well-known of these are Chinese herbs, herbs that have been used for thousands of years by people across Asia. Other benefits of acupuncture include treating various types of chronic diseases like bursitis and rheumatism, reducing blood pressure, easing headaches, and relieving backaches. In addition, it can be beneficial for those with mental illness, helping them overcome anxiety and depression, and even curing cancer. Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine, which is based on a philosophy of "energy" and "chi". The philosophy says that the body has a natural energy that can be used to heal itself. How Acupuncture Works This method uses needles that are inserted into points for them to stimulate specific areas of your body. It can be done by yourself or with someone else. There are different kinds of acupressure techniques, such as acupuncture needles, needles inserted through the skin, or needles placed in the bones. There are many different types and styles of Chinese acupuncture. Some practitioners use short needles that have a point, while others use a long needle. The acupuncture needle is inserted through the skin, and the acupuncture points are connected to the muscles and bones. There is no need for any medical treatment, so it is considered a safe and effective way to cure many diseases.
By Louise Savoie March 17, 2020
Having a family member that’s terminally ill is never easy. It can be emotionally exhausting and physically demanding. Not to mention, it might require a particular knowledge, which is why you might need an agency that offers skilled nursing care in Colorado . Pinnacle Hospice Care is among the leading agencies that provide hospice care in Denver, Colorado . Our institution is managed by healthcare professionals who would ensure that every patient is given the right care. Our staff is equipped with the right knowledge and skill-set that enable them provide quality compassionate care, maximizing opportunities to make patients as comfortable as possible during the time they have left.
By Louise Savoie March 4, 2020
Most institutions that offer hospice care in Denver, Colorado have volunteer programs and it’s easy to sign up. Being a volunteer can be challenging, however, it is worth it. There’s nothing better than being able to extend help where it is needed. At Pinnacle Hospice Care , volunteers are more than welcome. We provide skilled nursing care in Colorado and our healthcare professionals appreciate all the help they can get. If you are compassionate, respectful, have a natural gift for taking care of other people, then we want you to be part of our team. Volunteer activities are not limited to helping our nurses and caregivers. It also involves organizing activities around the facility. Volunteers also get to help with our bereavement services . This specialized service is meant to help family members through grief counseling , arranging memorial services, and organizing support groups.
By Louise Savoie February 18, 2020
Learning that our loved one is terminally ill, is never easy. Most families will even try to keep caring for them at home. While this intention is pure and loving, many challenges come along. Caring for a patient at home requires time and dedication. An ailing loved one requires extra attention, and it can become exasperating for both the family and the patient. For this reason alone, most families call for hospice care in Denver, Colorado . As a trusted provider of skilled nursing care in Colorado , Pinnacle Hospice Care is well-equipped with compassionate and talented staff. Our staff treats our clients with the utmost respect while attending to their medical needs effectively.
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